Enrich your life by joining a Connect Group. Most groups meet weekly or twice a month. Many are ongoing groups. Just jump in whenever. Some groups only run for 10 or 12 weeks, and you'll need to start at the same time to keep on track with the group. Pick a topic and schedule that works for you and click "sign up."

Prayer Meeting

Facilitator:  Bitsy Zimmer

Where: Pasco Riverview

When: Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm (ongoing study)

Who: Everyone

Materials:  Just your Bible and Bible marking tools (pen, ruler, colored pencils, etc)

Enjoy a Bible marking study and a focus on praying for the church and our community. God says that the fervent prayer of His children makes a difference for His kingdom. Come pray with us. 

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Women of the Bible

Facilitator:  Valarie Young

Where: Pasco Riverview

When: First and Third Thursdays from 7-8 pm (ongoings tudy)

Who: Ladies

Materials: Just your Bible

A twice-monthly ladies Bible study that meets in the Community Event Center to study the lives of various women of the Bible. Everyone is welcome to participate.

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Deep Calling Journey

Facilitator: Joelle Worf

Where: Pasco Riverview

When: Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm,
*Opening Reatreat: Saturday March 22

Who: Everyone

Materials: $0
Donations accepted but not expected

Do you have a desire to go deeper in your relationship with God? Do you want to learn how you can make a difference in the world? The purpose of this Deep Calling small group is to help Christians live out their faith and grow spiritually. In this interactive, practical class you will engage in a journey of growth in your personal relationship with Jesus, and experience Bible study, prayer, partnering with God on His mission, spiritual gifts, and community. The class will take place over a period of 10 weeks, and two, all-day retreats. 

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Exploring Daniel

Facilitator: Jason Worf

Where: Pasco Riverview

When: Every other Wednesday at 7 pm (January to May)

Who: Everyone

Materials: Just your Bible

A deep dive into the book of Daniel, exploring how God wants us to live in the context of Jesus’ near return. The first six chapters focus on how to live in the end of time, and the last six explore how God has and will orchestrate history to solve the problem with evil. We’ll look into the details of Daniel’s prophecies including the beasts and images and horns and time prophecies, and find Jesus is the center of every story. 

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Estudio Biblico

Dirigente: Marylin Montenegro

Dónde: sala de biblioteca de Pasco Riverview

Cuándo: Sábados a las 4 p.m.

Invitados: Todos

Materiales: Solo su Biblia

Únase a nosotros para un estudio bíblico que explora los fundamentos de la fe. Nos reuniremos cada semana los sábados por la tarde en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Todo lo que necesitas es tu Biblia

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